A letting agent ensures compliance with the Renters' Rights Bill and simplifies property management.
A letting agent ensures compliance with the Renters' Rights Bill and simplifies property management.
Landlords searching for a new deal will find the choice of buy-to-let mortgages has hit a record high, with 3,860 products available.
Landlords searching for a new deal will find the choice of buy-to-let mortgages has hit a record high, with 3,860 products available.
The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has labelled the Spring Statement a missed opportunity to improve the chronic supply crisis in the private rented sector.
The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has labelled the Spring Statement a missed opportunity to improve the chronic supply crisis in the private rented sector.
Landlords are profiting by selling before the Renters' Rights Bill, then reinvesting in post-Bill bargains.
Landlords are profiting by selling before the Renters' Rights Bill, then reinvesting in post-Bill bargains.
The Government has started to “bring landlords into line”, but more needs to be done to tackle the pressures in the private rented sector, a Labour MP has suggested.
The Government has started to “bring landlords into line”, but more needs to be done to tackle the pressures in the private rented sector, a Labour MP has suggested.
We talk to lawyer turned self-managing landlord, Suzanne Smith, founder of The Independent Landlord.blog and co-host of a weekly podcast called Good Landlording.
A letting agent ensures compliance with the Renters' Rights Bill and simplifies property management.
Landlords are profiting by selling before the Renters' Rights Bill, then reinvesting in post-Bill bargains.
The NRLA is hosting free "On Tour" events across England and Wales, offering expert advice on upcoming legislation. The first live Listen Up Landlords podcast will also be recorded to mark the NRLA's fifth anniversary. Details for the annual conference will be announced soon.